Carbon Isotope Source Tracking – Soil Gasses

Carbon Isotope Source Tracking – Soil Gasses

Purpose: Confirm conclusively ecosystem gas source during microbial degradation processes.

Example: Is CH4 at the site below originating from the remedial amendment carbon or residual TPH related to former fuel USTs located downgradient of the treated area? Anaerobic biodegradation of TPH being enhanced by nutrients et cetera emanating from up-gradient treatment areas.

Sample Locations ▲ (minimum):

  1. Amendment / treatment area (blue area)
  2. Area of excessive CH4 production (red area)

Sample Size/Containers (each location):

  1. Stable carbon – 60 ml serum vials, dense septum, crimp seal.
  2. Radiocarbon – 1 L Teflon gas bags

Soil Gas Sample Method:

Draw gas samples from vadose line with pneumatic pump.  Flush containers with sample gas 3X volume.  Set up containers with 3 way valve for flushing.


Standard Chain-of-Custody. Overnight courier. Sealed cooler, blue ice, not frozen. No preservatives for gas samples.

Analytical Program:

  1. Stable carbon methane from amendment area (control)
  2. Stable carbon methane from area with excessive CH4 production (focus site)
  3. Stable carbon dioxide from amendment area (control)
  4. Stable carbon dioxide from area with excessive CH4 production (focus site)
  5. Radiocarbon methane from amendment area (control)
  6. Radiocarbon methane from area with excessive CH4 production (focus site)
  7. Radiocarbon carbon dioxide from amendment area (control)
  8. Radiocarbon carbon dioxide from area with excessive CH4 production (focus site)


  1. Stable carbon isotope analysis methane $50/sample, $100 total
  2. Stable carbon isotope analysis carbon dioxide $50/sample, $100 total
  3. Radiocarbon isotope analysis carbon dioxide $500/sample, $1,000 total
  4. Radiocarbon isotope analysis methane $500/sample, $1,000 total
  5. Shipping, Data interpretation and Reporting – $1,300
  6. TOTAL – $3,500

Contact Information:

Dr. Jim Mueller, Provectus (815) 650-2230 or email [email protected]

Dr. Richard Coffin, Strategic Carbon, llc (301) 404-2364 or email [email protected]